Adam Boyd
Attorney at Law
Philadelphia | Washington
Passionate about immigration
Adam Boyd has spent most of his career in public service. His interest in immigration spans litigation, appeals, policy, visa and benefit applications, and compliance.
Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA), Immigration Law and Practice Division (ILPD), 2023-2025, Associate Legal Advisor
Review and draft appeals for filing with the Board of Immigration Appeals
Represent the agency in supplemental briefing before the Board of Immigration Appeals
Ensure consistency in OPLA’s nationwide litigating positions before the nation’s immigration courts
Guide the development of federal court decisional law
Counsel on substantive immigration law and protection law matters
Coordinate with DOJ and DHS components in deciding whether to pursue further review of adverse federal court immigration decisions
Provide guidance to OPLA field locations, agency leadership, DHS components, and DOJ components on substantive immigration law issues
Advance OPLA’s efforts to combat protection law-related fraud by applicants and preparers
Assist agency components with Equal Access to Justice Act settlements
OPLA, Field Legal Operations, Washington, D.C. (Annandale) Field Office, Detail Assignment Summer 2024, Assistant Chief Counsel
OPLA advocate before the local immigration court
Executive Office for Immigration Review, 2019-2023
2021 Attorney General’s Honors Program - Board of Immigration Appeals, 2021-2023, Judicial Law Clerk
2019 Attorney General’s Honors Program - Miami Immigration Court, 2019-2021, Judicial Law Clerk and Attorney Advisor
Civil Division, Office of Immigration Litigation (Appellate Section), Fall Semester 2018, Legal Extern
Stevens & Lee, Summer 2018, Summer Associate
Callister Law, Summer 2018, Law Clerk
Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County, Nevada, Summer 2017, Law Clerk
Fiscal Affairs Department, Expenditure Policy Division, 2014-2016, Division Coordinator
2014, Staff Assistant Intern
Journal of Law & International Affairs
Thurgood Marshall Moot Court
Phi Delta Phi Honor Society
2019 Presidential Management Fellow Finalist (withdrawn)
Study Abroad 2013, Université François Rabelais (University of Tours)
Concentration in Vocal Performance
University of Wyoming Symphony Orchestra Chorus 2009, Beethoven, Symphony No. 9
Carnegie Hall Choral Performance 2010, Mozart, Vesperae solennes de confessore
ACDA Northwest Divisional Conference 2012: The University of Wyoming Singing Statesmen Male Ensemble Northwest
District of Columbia
U.S. Supreme Court
Pro Bono Representation
Plaintiff Representation
Negligence Per Se (Federal Cyberstalking, 18 U.S.C. §2261A(2)(B))
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Public Disclosure of Private Facts – Invasion of Privacy
Landlord-Tenant Eviction Defense
Child Support and Custody
Last Will & Testament
Living Will
Power of Attorney
U.S. Consumer Leasing Act
Maryland Consumer Protection Act
Fraudulent and Negligent Misrepresentation
Respondeat Superior
Achievements and Involvement
Eagle Scout
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Alumnus
Federal Bar Association Member
“Clarity in the Code du Travail,” 7 PENN. ST. J.L. & INT’L AFF. 263 (2019)